


Allah (Arabic: الله, Allāh) is the standard Arabic word for "God". Arabic-speakers of all faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allāh" to mean "God". The Muslim and Christian Arabs of today have no other word for 'God' than "Allāh". In Islam, "Allāh" is the only deity, transcendent creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind. Some Islamic scholars believe that the term "Allāh" should not be translated, arguing that "Allāh" as used in Islam is a special and glorified term which express the uniqueness of "Allāh" more accurately than the word "god" for two reasons:

  • The word "god" can take a plural form "gods", whereas the word "Allāh" has no individual plural form (it requires grammatical inflection to imply plurality).

  • The word "god" can have gender as male god or female god (called goddess) whereas the word "Allāh" does not have a gender since it cannot be declined to mark grammatical gender and thus normative gender.

According to the tradition of Islam there are  99 Names of God (al-asma al-husna lit. meaning: "The best names") each of which evoke a distinct characteristic of Allah. The  most frequent of these names are "the Merciful"   (al-rahman) and "the Compassionate" (al-rahim).

According to Hadith

Sahih Bukhari: 3.894  , Narrated Abu Huraira

Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise."

Sahih Bukhari : 8.419 , Narrated Abu Huraira

Allah has ninety-nine Names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise; and Allah is Witr (one) and loves 'the Witr' (i.e., odd numbers).

Sahih Bukhari : 9.489 , Narrated Abu Huraira

Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less one; and he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise." To count something means to know it by heart.


1 AR-RAHMAN - The Beneficent
2 YA-ADL- The Just
3 YA-'AFUW - The Pardoner
4 YA-AHAD - The One
5 YA-AAKHIR - The Last
6 YA-ALI - The Most High
7 YA-ALIM - The All Knowing
8 YA-AWWAL - The First
9 YA-AZIM - The Great One
10 YA-AZIZ - The Mighty
11 YA-BATIN - The Hidden
12 YA-BADEI -The Incomparable
13 YA-BA'ITH - The Resurrector
14 YA-BAQI - The Everlasting
15 YA-BARR - The Source Of All Goodness
16 YA-BASIR - The All Seeing
17 YA-BASIT - The Expender
18 YA-BARI - The Evolver
19 YA-FATTAH - The Opener
20 YA-GHAFFAR - The Forgiver
21 YA-GHAFUR - The All-Forgiving
22 YA-GHANI - The Self-Sufficient
23 YA-HAADI - The Guide
24 YA-HAFIZ - The Preserver
25 YA-HAKAM - The Judge
26 YA-HAKEEM - The Wise
27 YA-HALIM - The Forbearing One
28 YA-HAMEED - The Praiseworthy
29 YA-HAQQ - The Truth
30 YA-HASEEB - The Reckoner
31 YA-HAYEE - The Alive
32 YA-JAAMAY - The Gatherer
33 YA-JABBAR - The Compeller
34 YA-JALIL - The Sublime One
35 YA-KABIR - The Most Great
36 YA-KARIM - The Generous One
37 YA-KHABIR - The Aware
38 YA-KHAFIZ - The Abaser  Repentance
39 YA-KHALIQ - The Creator
40 YA-LATIF - The Subtle One
41 YA-MUSAWWIR - The Fashioner
42 YA-MAJEED - The Most Glorious One
43 YA-MAJID - The Noble
44 YA-MALIK - The Sovereign Lord
45 MALIK-UL-MULK - The Eternal Owner Of Sovereignty
46 YA-MAANAY - The Preventer
47 YA-MATEEN - The Firm One
48 YA-MU'AKHKHIR - The Delayer
49 YA-MUBDI - The Originator



50 YA-MUGHNI - The Enricher
51 YA-MUHAYMIN - The Protector
52 YA-MUHSI - The Reckoner
53 YA-MUHYI - The Giver Of Life
54 YA-MU'ID - The Restorer
55 YA-MUIZZ - The Honorer
56 YA-MUJIB - The Responsive
57 YA-MU'MIN - The Guardian Of Faith
58 YA-MUMIT - The Creator Of Death
59 YA-MUNTAQIM - The Avenger
60 YA-MUQADDIM - The Expediter
61 YA-MUQIT - The Maintainer
62 YA-MUQSIT - The Equitable
63 YA-MUQTADIR - The Powerful
64 YA-MUTA'ALI - The Most Exalted
65 YA-MUTAKABBIR - The Majestic
66 YA-MUZILL -The Dishonorer
67 AN-NAAFAY - The Propitious
68 AN-NOOR - The Light
69 YA-QABIZ - The Constrictor
70 YA-QADIR - The Able
71 YA-QAHHAR - The Subduer
72 YA-QAWI - The Most Strong
73 YA-QAYYUM - The Self-subsisting
74 YA-QUDDUS - The Holy
75 YA-RAFI - The Exalter
76 YA-RAHIM - The Merciful
77 YA-RAQIB - The Watchful
78 YA-RASHEED - The Guide To The Right Path
79 YA-RAOOF - The Compassionate
80 YA-RAZZAQ - The Provider
81 YA-SABOOR - The Patient
82 YA-SALAM - The Source Of Peace
83 YA-SAMAD - The Eternal
84 YA-SAMI - The All Hearing
85 ASH-SHAHEED - The Witness
86 ASH-SHAKUR - The Appreciative
87 AT-TAWWAB - The Acceptor Of
88 YA-WAALI - The Governor
89 YA-WALI - The Protecting Friend
90 YA-WADUD - The Loving
91 YA-WAHHAB - The Bestower
92 YA-WAHID - The Unique
93 YA-WAJID - The Finder
94 YA-WAKIL - The Trustee
95 YA-WARIS - The Supreme Inheritor
96 YA-WASI - The All-Embracing
97 AZ-ZAHIR - The Manifest
98 AD-DAARR - The Distresser
99 ZUL-JALAL-E-WAL-IKRAM - The Lord Of Majesty and Bounty



























The Excellence of remembering Allah

Allah's Messenger (SAW) said : Whoever dies with the last words "Laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu" (There is none worthy of worship but Allah.') will enter Paradise.

Invocations of the terminally ill : Allaahuma-maghfir lee warhamnee wa 'alhiqnee bir-rafeeqil-a' 'laa. ( O Allah, forgive me and have mercy upon me and join me with the highest companions (in Paradise) (Al Bukhari 7/10, Muslim 4/1893)

Allah's Messenger (SAW) said : Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, and are loved by the Most Merciful One; " Subhaanal-llahi wa bihamdihi, Subhaanal laahil-'Adheem" ( Glorified is Allah and praised is He, Glorified is Allah the Most Great)

Allah's Messenger (SAW) Said : The most beloved words to Allah are four "Subhaanallaah" "Walhamdu lillaah" "Wa laa Ilaaha 'illallaah" "Wallaahu 'Akbar" (Glorified is Allah) (The Praise is for Allah) (There is none worthy of worship but Allah) (Allah is the Most Great)

Allah's Messenger (SAW) said, "O Abdullah bin Qais, should I not pint you to one of the treasures of Paradise? "I said, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah." So he told me to say.

"Laa hawla wa laa quwwata 'illaa billaah" .. (There is no power and no might except by Allah) - Al Bukhari, Muslim 4/2076

Allah's Messenger (SAW) said : Whoever said """ Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihi""" ( Glorified is Allah and praised is He) One hundred times a day, will have his sins forgiven even if they are like the foam of the sea. ---- Al Bukhari 7/168, Muslim 4/2071.


Almighty Wont Ask

  The ALMIGHTY won't ask what kind of car you drove,
               ... but He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation...

  The ALMIGHTY won't ask the square footage of your house,
               ... but He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home...

  The ALMIGHTY won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet,
               ... but He'll ask how many you helped to clothe...

  The ALMIGHTY won't ask what your highest salary was,
               ... but He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it...

  The ALMIGHTY won't ask what your job title was,
               ... but He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability...
  The ALMIGHTY won't ask how many friends you had,
               ... but He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend...

  The ALMIGHTY won't ask in what neighbourhood you lived,
               ... but He'll ask how you treated your neighbours...

  The ALMIGHTY won't ask about the colour of your skin,
               ... but He'll ask about the content of your character....



O Allah! The (only) Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Wali (Protector, Helper, Supporter, Guardian, etc.) in this world and in the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Muslim (the one submitting to Your Will), and join me with the righteous.”


May Allah forgive us if knowingly or unknowingly we have done any Mistake or Gunah while developing this site. But Our Niyat is only that the whole world should know about Allah, his Prophet(pbuh),Quran,Islam and  the Great Awliyas of Allah who have dedicated their whole lives for Spreading ISLAM.


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